Fall Round Dance 2023

Fall Round Dance 2023

2004 2004 people viewed this event.


A Round Dance consists of a group of men with hand drums standing in the centre singing songs, and people dancing around the drummers in a circle. Some dancers join hands, while others prefer to go solo.

A round dance is a special traditional event in First Nations culture that brings people together to heal, to honor and to celebrate life. One of the biggest things about the round dance is that it breaks all those barriers that sometimes divide us.

This is a time we come together to join hands and dance together.

Everyone is welcome: all ages, backgrounds and cultures. You don’t need a special invitation and you can come and go when you want. Traditionally, women wear long skirts, but feel free to wear whatever is comfortable for you.

For dancing, gather in a circle. Hold hands with the people on either side of you, with your left hand facing up and your right hand facing down. You can jump in anywhere in the circle and at any time during a dance.

The circle moves to the left. This reflects the way the Earth moves around the sun. We believe when you’re moving in that direction, you’re healing.

Step to the beat of the drums. The beat of the drums is like that of the heartbeat. We acknowledge the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

Don’t worry about your feet. But if you want to get more detailed: step left with your left foot, then slide your right foot next to it. Your right foot, stays close to the ground to represent how closely connected you are to the Earth.

You don’t have to dance. You’re welcome to come, find a seat and watch. There’s healing in watching, as well.

So, this Fall, feel welcome to come and experience Wa-Say Healing Centre’s Fall Round Dance

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-10-25 @ 05:00 PM to
2023-10-25 @ 10:00 PM

Registration End Date


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